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    The Benefits of Neuropsychological Testing

    The Benefits of Neuropsychological Testing

    The relationship between your brain and your behavior is known as neuropsychology. Evaluations are conducted under the professional eyes of neuropsychologists—doctors who specialize in brain function and activity.

     These tests are used to characterize changes associated with cognitive disorders and a person’s behavior due to a degenerative disorder or injury, such as Parkinson’s Disease. These behavioral changes often require adaptation or remediation, which can be mapped to help the patient after neuropsychological testing in Las Vegas has concluded and a diagnosis has been made. These tests can also help to determine the source of a patient’s chronic pain or other symptoms associated with cognitive disorders. Once an initial differential diagnosis has been made, these tests can serve as a baseline for comparing other tests in the future and tracking the progression of a neuropsychological disorder.

    These evaluations involve an interview process and the administration of several tests. Typically, they involve a pencil and a piece of paper. They can take up to eight hours to complete, depending on the severity of the issues that the patient is experiencing. There are a multitude of benefits that come with completing neuropsychological testing, so continue reading to learn more.

    Get a Differential Diagnosis

    Neuropsychological testing can assist a physician with determining whether or not mental or behavioral changes are occurring due to a movement disorder, depression, brain injury, disease or treatment that the patient has received. A thorough diagnosis is the key to finding a solution for managing pain and coping with a cognitive condition that is causing behavioral or physical symptoms.

    Track Changes Before and After Procedures

    Without completing neuropsychological testing, it can be difficult to determine the progress that has been made after a procedure. These tests provide medical professionals with a baseline to compare future tests with. These tests can also help to determine if a particular treatment is right for a specific patient, or if a treatment has had positive or negative effects on behavior or mental functions.

    Track Progression of a Condition

    This type of medical testing is also used to keep track of the progression of a degenerative condition and to determine if treatments have had an effect on the function or behavior of a patient. If your function has declined due to a disease or injury, your doctors can determine if your treatment plan should be changed by using the results from neuropsychological tests.

    Assess Daily Functioning

    It can be determined that a patient needs assistance with daily functioning by administering neuropsychological evaluations. These tests can also show the potential for rehabilitation or if a person might benefit from certain treatments or therapies.

    Preparing for a Neuropsychological Test

    If you or someone that you know is preparing for a neuropsychological test, there are several ways in which you should prepare. The first is to get a good night’s sleep before the evaluation, as being fatigued can give inconclusive results. Ideally, the patient should not be emotionally distraught or have a severe psychiatric condition that could impact testing. You should not use any medications or substances before your evaluation that impacts cognitive function. Be sure to put forth your best effort as you complete the tests.

    If you would like more information on neuropsychological testing in Las Vegas, view our services page, or contact a representative with Complete Injury Management today.

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