
We have decades of experience with automotive accidents, sports & work-related injuries. We are eager to help you live without pain.

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    Podiatry is considered a specialty medical practice. Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) or Podiatric Physicians or Podiatric Surgeons diagnose and treat conditions disorders of the foot, ankle, and leg structures with a combination of non-surgical and surgical techniques.

    Complete Injury Management helps individuals like you find the best treatment option for their individual needs and never suggests unnecessary surgeries or procedures.

    Podiatric surgery is only recommended when it is necessary to preserve or restore functionality. Some of the conditions that podiatrist might treat include:

    • Trauma, fractures, and sprains
    • Injury
    • Bunions
    • Hammertoes
    • Nail disorders (fungus)
    • Diabetic Foot Care
    • Arthritis
    • Heel Pain / Heel Spur
    • Flat feet
    • Morton’s Neuroma
    • Neuropathy
    • Pediatric Foot Problems
    • Orthotics (Custom Shoes)
    • Plantar Fasciitis
    • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Tendonitis

    It’s common for patients with podiatric issues to see their primary care physician initially, who can refer a specialist doctor and then continue ongoing care after any necessary treatments are complete.
    Complete Injury Management believes that surgery should always be a last resort, which is why we support a well-rounded approach to many common injuries. Unlike traditional surgeons, podiatric surgeons use a combination of surgical and non-surgical treatments and will opt for a non-surgical approach when possible. Some of the common reasons to see a podiatrist:

    • Trauma or injury
    • Foot pain
    • Thick or discolored toenails
    • Ingrown toenails
    • Numbness or swelling in one foot
    • Continuous heel pain
    • Recurring case of athlete’s foot
    • Joint pain of the feet or ankle

    Your feet put in a lot of work over the course of your day-to-day life. By 50, you’ll easily have walked tens of thousands of miles. Feet are complex structures with many bones, tendons, and ligaments that have to work together perfectly to keep you moving. What to Expect At a Podiatrists Office

    Your first visit will be a lot like any other doctor. They’ll ask basic questions about your medical history. After a review of how you stand and walk, there is usually a range of motion checks and an inspection to see how your current shoes fit. From there, depending on your individual needs, the podiatrist will suggest a plan of treatment. Most can treat the majority of these conditions directly in the office with little to no invasive techniques required.

    Complete Injury Management helps people who have been injured find a medical professional who can provide optimal care for their needs. If you think Podiatry could help you with an injury trauma or nagging lower extremity issue you’ve been experiencing, please contact us by phone or email and let us help you get the care you need.